Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tree Transplant

Yesterday, David and I realized that our move from Australia to Texas is sort of like being a transplanted tree. When you uproot an oak tree, some of the roots will be cut, the leaves will fall off, it won't bear fruit for a while, and when you replant it, it will need support just to stand. It won't be too functional while the new roots are forming. We love being back home in Texas near family, friends, and faithful ministry partners. But it doesn't matter how glad you are to be in a new place, moving stinks. I feel a bit foggy most of the time. So if you're talking to me or texting or emailing, just know I'm on about 30% power right now. Just smile at me and give me a hug. :)


  1. Hi Denise!

    I can sooo relate to this. Sending you a big cyber hug from (warm in) winter Brisbane. xx God bless Alice

  2. HI Denise..have been thinking of you & the post above since I first read it.
    My husbands bonsai lose their leaves out of season sometimes when they are under stress and change...but soon as they settle new leaves sprout again quickly as the roots re settle.
    I remembered this poem and thought I'd send it to you.
    Your Spring is coming - 'the sap is getting ready to rise'
    looking forward to seeing you soon, much love and blessings Natalie xx
    So, here is something to soak on by Eugene Peterson...

    The Lucky Poor
    "blessed are the poor in spirit"

    A beech tree in winter, white
    Intricacies unconcealed
    Against sky blue and billowed
    Clouds, carries in his emptiness
    Ripeness: sap ready to rise
    On signal, buds alert to burst
    To leaf. And then after a season
    Of summer a lean ring to remember
    The lush fulfilled promises.
    Empty again in wise poverty
    That lets the reaching branches stretch
    A millimeter more towards heaven,
    The bole expand ever so slightly
    And push roots into the firm
    Foundation, lucky to be leafless:
    Deciduous reminder to let it go.
